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Why smartphone batteries explode and how to protect yourself

Smartphones are cool. Explosions are cool. But combining the two is not so cool. From time to time, we hear cases of smartphone explosions, and this has become a major concern as such explosions are life threatening. Although very rare, Samsung was forced to recall the entire Note 7 line after more than thirty-five cases of smartphone explosions were reported.

ContentsWhat causes smartphone batteries to explode?1. Manufacturing defects2. Internal fracture 3. Excessive heat4. Using the wrong chargerHow to protect yourselfConclude

Since the Note 7 fiasco, we've had several isolated cases of smartphone explosions, and last year we saw the worst case where a man died after his phone exploded and caught fire. To help you protect yourself, we're going to cover the main reasons why smartphones explode and explain what you need to do to stay safe.

What causes smartphones-batteries to explode?

Although manufacturing defects are the main reason why smartphones explode, there are also situations on the user side that could cause a battery to explode. Here are the main reasons why smartphone batteries explode.

1. Manufacturing defects

The wrong batch of batteries (as was the case with the Note 7), the use of the wrong component, or a defect in the assembly line that caused a component to be damaged can cause the device to malfunction. a battery. When this happens, an explosion is hard to avoid.

Why smartphone batteries explode and how to protect yourself

To be on the safe side, it's a good idea to always check your battery status regularly, especially if your phone has hit the ground a few times. Here are the signs to look for:

  • Distortion
  • Swelling
  • Excessive heat generation, especially when charging
  • Phone restarting on its own
  • The battery drains easily
  • Phone does not charge after being plugged in

If you see any of the above signs, you should consider replacing your phone's battery. Paying close attention to these symptoms can help prevent battery explosions.

3. Excessive heat

Excessive heat can rupture internal battery cells, which can also cause an internal short circuit. However, this can only happen at extremely high temperatures, unless the battery is damaged. Excessive heat can result from overcharging, as the battery will receive more current than it can safely handle, causing it to overheat.

Why smartphone batteries explode and how to protect yourself

If excess heat builds up inside the battery, it causes a reaction known as “thermal runaway”. This is a situation in which an increase in temperature changes the chemical reactions in a way that causes a further increase in temperature. In other words, rather than helping the battery cool down, thermal runaway accelerates the temperature rise – a catalyst for explosions.

Many factors can cause your phone to heat up naturally, such as graphics-intensive games. While your phone can handle all of these functions very well, running them in a hot environment could negatively impact your battery. For example, playing music for long hours in direct sunlight can cause an already strained phone to struggle to cool down.

4. Using the wrong charger

Using an incorrect or faulty charger can cause an explosion because the charger may deliver more current than your battery can handle. In addition, manufacturers of cheap chargers often do not meet the safety specifications required by USB devices. These chargers often use inferior materials or the wrong wire gauge that lacks the required overcurrent protection.

How to protect yourself

Now that you know why smartphone batteries explode, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your devices from explosions. By following these simple tips, you will be able to eliminate all common causes of smartphone explosions.

  • Do not charge your phone in bed – We know how tempting it can be to charge your phone while watching a video in bed. However, this is very risky, as you can easily roll over your phone and cause it to overheat.
  • Stick to proprietary chargers – If possible, only use the charger that came with the phone. This ensures that your phone receives the optimum voltage and current.
  • Buy your devices from reputable retailers – Today, online stores are flooded with cloned products, and it can be difficult to tell the real ones from the fakes. Buying from manufacturers ensures you get high-quality products that are free from manufacturing defects.
  • Always let your phone cool down – If it gets hot while charging, unplug it to allow it to cool down. Avoid using or storing it in hot environments.
  • If a device is recalled, be sure to return it. The sooner the better.


Although smartphone explosions are a reality, these occurrences are rare and manufacturers have taken huge steps to keep smartphones safe. For example, after the Note 7 debacle, Samsung implemented an eight-step battery test to prevent future phones from blowing up. For your safety, it's a good idea to make sure you're buying from well-known brands and reputable outlets.