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How to Prevent Eye Strain Caused by Monitors

We often spend a lot of time staring at monitors, but how often do we consider the damage they can do to our eyes? Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent eye strain, and some of them are just small habits you can implement in your daily life!

Contents1. Perform eye exercises2. Make your monitor light easier on the eyes3. Wear glasses that reduce blue light4. Adjust monitor distance5. Flash more!6. Reduce any glare on your monitorAn eye for eye strain

1. Perform eye exercises

It may sound complicated, but eye exercises are anything but! Every twenty minutes of looking at a monitor, take twenty seconds to look at something that is at least twenty feet away. Ophthalmologists call this the “20-20-20” method. It breaks the stress that is imposed on your eyes by watching a monitor.

How to Prevent Eye Strain Caused by Monitors

If you wear glasses while typing, why not upgrade them with the ability to prevent monitor eye strain? There are many models of glasses that use a special lens that filters out blue light, protecting your eyes from monitor glare.

4. Adjust monitor distance

Keep your monitor 40 to 76 centimeters from your eyes, or about 16 to 30 inches. Make sure the monitor is roughly level with your eyes and tilted slightly away from you. This will help reduce eye strain when reading text on the screen.

It's easier said than done when watching your favorite TV shows or in a tense moment during a gaming session, but it has to be done. We tend to stare at monitors without blinking, and it's a good idea to manually run a few extra ones to make sure your eyes are getting the moisture they need.

6. Reduce any glare on your monitor

How to Prevent Eye Strain Caused by Monitors

You wouldn't stare at the sun or bright light for more than a few seconds – so why stare at your reflection for long periods of time? If you find that a light source is reflecting off your monitor screen, try reducing or eliminating it. Not only does the extra light put redundant strain on your eyes, it also makes things harder to read, causing you to concentrate more.

An eye for eye-strain

Many of us interact with monitors every day, but only a few think about how it affects their eyes. Now you know some of the ways staring at a screen can harm your eyes and how to avoid fatigue.

Have you ever suffered from eyestrain due to excessive use of a monitor? How did you solve the problem? Let us know below.