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Can the Chromebook replace the desktop PC? [Poll]

Chromebooks have generated a lot of excitement. It's celebratory because they seem to fall somewhere in the middle - not as much of a workhorse as a desktop, but more of a tablet. But do they have enough to replace the desktop PC one day?

Introduced in 2011, Chromebooks definitely seem to be catching on. They started being sold by Acer Inc and Samsung, and then were also sold by Lenovo, Hewlett Packard and even Google. They have one downside:they are designed to work when connected to the internet, but a few apps work offline. In addition, they only offer storage via the cloud. Peripherals like external mice and keyboards can be added, but when you do that, is it better to buy a desktop PC to start with? Some users are not looking for more. All they want is exactly what Chromebooks offer:browse the internet, check email, play videos, and check social media. As noted in the article Making Tech Easier “Should Microsoft Be Afraid of Chromebooks?” Microsoft seems to be a bit concerned as they produce ads directly criticizing Chromebooks.

Are Microsoft's fears justified? Could the Chromebook one day take over the desktop PC, a market dominated by Microsoft? Or will it always be considered a "lesser" product and can never make too much of a dent in the PC market?

Can the Chromebook replace the desktop PC?

Photo credit:Wikimedia (Vignette) and Wikimedia (Landscape)